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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The King´s Disciple steps into the Amory!

This week on the "Amory The Amour Bearer Mix show" our spotlight artist is The King’s Disciple who will be interviewed by DJ Worship More. We invite you to listen to a message that will reveal the dangers of calling on ungodly spirits in the innocents of play. We will also discuss the upcoming CD from the Kings Disciple and drop our PreachPastor Premier song of the week. Listen Up! March 9th, 2012 at 9:00 PM and Monday –Thursday at 4:00 PM.

The King´s Disciple Bio:

Cesar Ascencio A.K.A. The King´s Disciple was born in a small town called in Mexico. His parents took him, along with his siblings, to the state of Arizona in the United States when he was nine months old. While growing up he suffered a lot of emotional abuse caused by his father´s alcohol addiction which led to constant domestic violence in the household. After years of this suffering, Cesar´s brother led a life of heavy drug use beginning at the age of 13, which led to ending up in juvenile detentions and rehabilitation. Cesar soon followed the paths of his big brother, who ended up being clinically diagnosed as a schizophrenic through heavy use of LSD. Through his teen years, Cesar took a like to LSD as well and frequently consumed the drug while going to junior high and high school. His mother forced him to go to a 3-day retreat from the church his mother forced him to go to and there, at the age of 15, GOD touched and transformed his life. He then passionately went to church with his mother but just 3 weeks later, he fell back to drugs. He then got deeply into spiritualism right after playing with a Ouija board with some friends. As a consequence, Cesar suffered years of possessions during late night hours which would occur approximately 2-3 times a week while lying down on his bed. But the more it happened, the more he wanted to experiment with the “unknown”. He then started selling drugs; he eventually sold for three different pushers. At around that time, he moved out of his mother´s home independently and continued his lifestyle. He loved the independence. He found himself worshiping the entities that were in his life late at night in his home while listening to satanic worship music with all the lights turned off and candles lit around him and desiring more of the “power” that they gave him. Cesar maintained a full-time job through all this, now that he reflects he realized that he was one person during the day and another at night. The more he fell into the hole of spiritual darkness, the lonelier he felt. Which led him to frequently watch a Christian channel, he was getting convicted. He grew up in church during his childhood and teenage years. His mother even forced him to go to church school for years. The seed his mother sowed for so long was starting to bring fruition in Cesar´s life. He then gave his life to Christ in September 2003 while watching a Christian program at his house, which was 5 minutes´ walking distance from his job, during his lunch break. He did not feel anything at all after that short prayer guided by the minister on TV, but he believed that the prayer settled it. The very next day, upon waking up in the morning he felt what he had felt when he was touched by GOD at the retreat when he was 15 years old. At this point in his life he was fighting a case in court because of a prior incident with the law, in which he was out on bail during the case. About 2 weeks after giving his life to Christ, he started to serve his 3 ½ year incarceration term for the incident. Through that time, Cesar had a powerful encounter and reconciliation with GOD through a personal relationship with Him. Cesar used that time for GOD to completely transform his being and character. During all this, he studied a 2-year course of Biblical studies from Liberty University in which his grade point average was 9.4. After his release, He felt GOD´s guidance to go to Mexico, where he now resides. He is now married, involved in a few ministries in the church he congregates at and is now using the talent of music GOD has given him to spread the gospel of Christ to the world. At the age of 13, Cesar had a childhood friend, Solomon A.K.A King Solomon, who he started writing hip hop songs and free-styling with. They had the passion of making music together and in their first show at a nightclub after years of practice, they were invited to sign an independent group-promoting contract. Upon the first show of that contract, He and his partner and friend Solomon, got the attention of another group-promoting organization. They took up all the opportunities they could. But all this was interrupted by Cesar´s incident with the law. Now He is using that same talent for GOD´s kingdom to save lost souls around the world. Cesar, A.K.A The King´s Disciple is now seeing the promises of GOD in his life come to pass and has a prophetic calling, which he applies in his music.


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